Thursday, 19 April 2012

Inorder Traversal Without Recursion (can be used for DFS without recursion)

In order traversal without recursion using Morris Traversal.

Algo :

1. Initialize current as root
2. While current is not NULL
    If current does not have left child
      a) Print current’s data
      b) Go to the right, i.e., current = current->right
      a) Make current as right child of the rightmost node in current's left subtree
      b) Go to this left child, i.e., current = current->left

#include "iostream"
using namespace std;
struct Node
     int data;
     Node * left;
     Node * right;
     Node() : left(NULL),right(NULL),data(0) { }
     Node(Node * l,Node * r,int d) : left(l),right(r),data(d) { }
     Node(int d) : left(NULL),right(NULL),data(d) { }
               delete left;
               delete right;

void removeNodes(Node * root)
               root->right = NULL;

               root->left = NULL;
          delete root;

// Morris Traversal
void InorderTraversal(Node * root)
     Node * current, * pre;
     if(root == NULL)

     current = root;
           if(current->left == NULL)
                cout<< current->data <<" ";
                current = current->right;
                // reArrange
                pre = current->left;
                while(pre->right != NULL && pre->right != current)
                     pre = pre->right;
                if(pre->right == NULL)
                     pre->right = current;
                     current = current->left;
       // print data and remove reArrangement
                     pre->right = NULL;
                    cout<< current->data << " ";
                    current= current->right;

int main()
     Node * root = new Node(7);
     root->left = new Node(5);
     root->right = new Node(9);
     root->right->left = new Node(8);
     root->right->right = new Node(10);

     root->left->left = new Node(3);
     root->left->right = new Node(6);
     root->left->left->left = new Node(1);
     root->left->left->right = new Node(4);
     root->left->left->left->right = new Node(2);

     return 0;

1 comment:

Andy said...

good to see the solutions buddy. One place shop...